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The Path

Hey guys, it’s been a minute. If this is the first post of mine you are reading for the year, happy new year to you. To all my new readers, glad to have you here, to all the old, thanks for sticking with me, I know, it’s not easy (*sighs).

I recently just got through another stage in life, the last well thought out planned stage of a cycle of events, culminating from Primary school, to this very moment—after NYSC where the main life begins as they say. I have thoughts on this, long-awaited moment, I would like to share it in a poem, and in other words.


I’ve been asked this question many times, usually when I get to this point. I believe this is my cross roads. My moment of indecision. That requires of me great precision, if I’m to carry out this mission. But without a vision? I am a representative of my clan, and everyone keeps telling me I can. But every day, it feels as though, I have no plan. I am most probably my own ban. They say planning, is key in preparing, for one’s journey, hopefully the end game luxury. But what happens when plans start slipping away. When you begin to tell a different tale. Will hope stay? Will dreams become stale? I look back to think, what could I have done better, would it have made me less bitter? Would I be nursing self-inflected wounds, or would I be healing from victory’s wounds?

In other words;

This time got be thinking, a fear gripping thought, “what now? Shall you walk your path? What is your path?”. I looked within and saw that the fear was not knowing what to do, but that it wouldn’t pull through. You can never really know till you try. So, what is that plan?

There is a point in your life that is for planning, and if you haven’t started I suggest you do, the earlier the better. it’s not because that will make things pan out so quickly, but so that you can have something to hold onto when they don’t.

Do you want to go into career? Then do, but also do your research, when I graduate, what would be required of me if I were to get this job? Find things that can be an ace up your sleeve, learn it and use it. if you’re going into business or the creative industry, by now you should know it’s pretty cut throat, everyone is in it. one video and you can be verified on TikTok in a matter of days! Really this thing called path, is about knowing what you want, and working towards getting it. It may not always work out as planned, but recently I’ve learned that patience and perseverance is key. Believe in God, and he will make your dreams come true. Walk in your path, and it will lead you to your destiny. Save too, cause omo, eye dey see something for out here. and please don’t make the mistake of putting your eggs in one basket, have multiple saving spots. One for “never touch unless in life and death situations”. One for “if monthly budget finish, and I need cash for something”. Another for “let’s keep this somewhere, just in case, but we really shouldn’t touch it”.

Finding your path in life, is not really a one way street. You could have so many ideas, try them out and stick to the one that pans out. I mean, look at me, Vlogs, Podcasts, Blogs, Skits, Screen-Writing (including Television), Novel Writing, Poetry, A motivational book or two—yeah, I plan to do it all, have even started. And there are even others on the list, you’ll find out soon! Point is, I like them all, but I know which is my first choice, my writing, and I’ll pushing all on fronts, till I make the sea roar, as I make my waves.

Thanks for reading. And remember my books are still on Amazon, and on good reads, and Okada books, links are below. Should have a book coming out in April/May, I’m uncertain about it as I am uncertain about the ending of the book and which of my two WIP’s (Work in progress) I should finish, but when I do, y’all are going to know, so keep it locked.

Much love,



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