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Egahe (The Oba's Council)- A short Story

Title: EGHAE (The Oba’s Council)

“by sunrise tomorrow, this village will turn red. Ayedada will bleed, she will morn and she will never know peace” Tosin heard in her sleep, causing her to wake up immediately, panting and sweating. Her nightmares were becoming more frequent by the day and to some extent real. It was like she could actually see the woman in her dream, like she could feel her. Tosin got up from her bed, trying to ignore the nudging feeling she had inside of her. She went to have her bath and got ready to go to the market.

When she was ready, she came out from her room and then her house. As she got out, she greeted some people who she knew on the way. She walked past a sign board which read “Ayedada will bleed”. Shocked, she stopped and looked at it again but the sign board this time read “Ayedada will live”. She shook her head and wiped her face with her hand.

“Tosin, Tosin” her friend Anna called, bringing her out her thoughts.

“yes” Tosin answered.

“this woman has been calling you to sell something for her since” Anna said.

“oh, sorry ma. Sorry ma” Tosin apologized to the woman and attended to her.

She continued to have that feeling that something was about to happen, but she shrugged it claiming she was just stressed which has led her to have so many crazy thoughts. She thought to herself to stop at the chemist at the close of her shop to get something to take, Panadol or something. Anything to take the headaches away and the fear that was trying to crawl its way into her. After she was done with the shop for that day, she was looking up when she heard someone whisper her name. She looked up and saw no one there. She ignored it and went back to closing her shop.

She hears her name again and looks up and around her, but still sees no one. Fear began to set in, She stayed quiet for a while, waiting if she would hear the voice again, or if it was all in her head. she waited for some seconds and nothing. She then turned back to finish locking up, but she heard her name again, this time louder, like the person was standing behind her. Scared, she turned around, prepared to hit whoever it was, and run from whatever it was. She turned around and was about hitting the person behind her when the person screamed.

“Steven?” Tosin called.

“yeah. Were you about to hit me?” Steven asked.

“yeah. Why would you sneak up on me like that?” Tosin said, sounding both scared and relieved that it was Steven all along.

“sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. But you should have seen your face though” Steven said and laughed.

“it’s not funny. How long have you been there?” Tosin asked, just wanting to be sure, it was really him all along.

“I just got hear actually” Steven replied.

“be serious now” Tosin said.

“I’m serious. I just got here” Steven said. Tosin got scared for a second. Could it be that she was actually hearing voices or that it was all in her head? she was about speaking to Steven when she looked ahead and saw a figure standing in the shadows, across the street. She couldn’t really make out who it was because it was dark, but she was sure that it was a woman. She locked eyes with the woman in the shadows and both of them stood, just staring at each other, with Tosin unable to move or say a word. Steven looked at her, seeing that she was staring into space, he called her.

“Tosin, Tosin” he called.

“um” she answered, not taking her eyes off the woman.

“what are you looking at?” Steven asked but there was no answer. “Tosin” he called again, this time, she turned to him.

“yes” she answered.

“what are you looking at?” Steven asked again, then she turned forward to point at the woman in the shadow but the woman was gone.

“there… I … did you see anyone there?” she asked.

“anyone where?” he asked.

“there. Like… forget it” she said.

“no talk now, cause you dey fear me o” he said.

“I said forget it, let’s go” she said. As they left, Steven stopped for a second to look at her, just to be sure she was okay.

“you are okay right?” he asked her.

“I said I’m fine. Let’s go now, it’s getting late” she said.

“it is already late” he said and Tosin wanted to leave without him but he drew her back and shook her a little causing her to smile as they continued walking. When she got home, she had her dinner, then went to lay down on her bed. As she laid down, her mind couldn’t help but drift to the dream she has been having. Was there some truth to what the woman in the dream was saying, she wondered? Could Ayedada really be in trouble? What blood could she be talking about? Clearly not having the answers to all her questions or even clues to them, she decided to sleep. She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.

Minutes later, she opened her eyes and felt something liquid on her bed. It was not water, because it was a bit thick, she thought. She raised her right hand up and saw blood dripping from her wrists to her elbow. She raised her left hand up and saw the same thing. She then looked around her and saw her bed was filled with blood, it was like she was in a pool of blood. In her state of panic and fear, she tried standing up but she couldn’t. she struggled to get up from the bed but she could not move. The woman who usually appeared to her in her dreams, walked into her room, taking slow steps towards her. The woman stood at the foot of her bed and stared at her as she kept struggling.

“Ayedada will bleed and you will be a witness to its pain” the woman said.

“I don’t believe you. Leave me alone, get out of my head” Tosin shouted then struggled again, to get herself off the bed.

“the first sign shall come to you at dawn. It shall be the death by cock crow. Then you will warn your king. Then will you see. Then will you believe” the woman said and she and Tosin stared at each other for three seconds before the woman disappeared. Tosin then was free to lift herself from the bed. As she rose up to a sitting position, panting, she turned around and looked at the bed and saw there was no blood, that is was all a dream. She placed her hands on her chest, trying to slow her breathing. She looked at her phone and saw it was still night, just a few minutes after she had gone to sleep. Scared to go back to sleep, Tosin curled up in her bed with her eyes open, as she stared into space.

The next day, the ray of the sun shun into Tosin’s room, making its way past the curtains and causing her to wake up. She turned around and touched her bed, which caused her to be alarmed and she woke up immediately. When she woke up and saw that nothing was there, she gave a sigh of relief and got up from her bed. She went on to get ready for the day. As she was getting ready, she heard the cock crow, but was taken aback given the time the cock crowed, it was later than usual. As she was locking her door to head out to the market, she heard a shout from the street. Alarmed and confused, but most of all curious, her and her neighbours quickly walked to the street, to see what was going on. As they got there, the crowd was already building up. They managed to make their way to the front, only to see a dead body on the floor. It was one of the sons of one of the chiefs that was laying lifeless on the ground.

The people began lamenting and wailing, and some sent for someone to go tell his father of what had happened. As she looked at the body, she remembered the dream she had last night. And then she remembered that the cock had just crowed a few minutes before the incident. What if they are connected? She thought. Fear gripped her, seeing as there was starting to be some truth to these dreams she has been having. She stared to walk out of the crowd, backwards and slowly, her mind completely drowning out the voices and wailings of everyone around her. As she stepped out, she felt someone tap her on her shoulder causing her to be frightened. She turned around immediately, only to see it was Steven, only then did she give a sigh of relief.

“stop doing that Steven” she said to him.

“doing what? What did I do wrong? Are you not the one that is acting funny. I’ve been calling you since” he said.

“oh, sorry. I did not hear you. Can’t you see people are crying” she said.

“what’s happening there?” he asked.

“it’s the son of chief Adaja. His first son. He just died” she replied.

“ah, ope o. that’s so sad” he said then looked back at her and saw she was just staring into space. “Tosin, Tosin… Tosin!” he called and it was by the third call that she turned and looked at him.

“um” she answered and he just stared at her. “what now?” she asked and he was still quiet.

“Tosin what is going on?” he asked.

“what do you mean?” she asked.

“what do you mean by what do you mean? I asked you what is going on? You have been acting strange for some time now, most especially this week. You are always staring and lost in thought or something. Yesterday sef you were asking me if I saw someone, in the dark! Tosin, kini o? (Tosin, what is it?)” he asked. She looked between him and the crowd, then drew him away from where they were standing, just to be a bit far from the crowd so no one will hear her.

“I have something to tell you” she said and remained silent. Steven urged her to speak with his look to her. “the thing is… o ni ife mi ọtun? (you love me right?)” she asked.

“ha, kini o n ṣẹlẹ? Mo nifẹ rẹ, iyẹn kii ṣe awọn iroyin… sọrọ Ti ohunkohun ba jẹ aṣiṣe pẹlu rẹ sọ fun mi. sọrọ so ke” (ha, what is going on? I love you, that is not news…speak! If anything is wrong with you tell me. Speak out)” Steven said, further urging her to speak.

“okay. Please don’t be alarmed by what I’m about to tell you. And don’t shout too… I think I know what happened to chief Adaja’s son, like who killed him. I think it is a witch” she said and Steven exclaimed. Tosin used her hand to cover his mouth as she moved them further away from the crowd. “I said you should not shout na” she added.

“and I never said I agree. What are you saying, witch ke? Ko possible now” Steven said.

“look, I have been having these dreams and the one I had yesterday night, said someone will die at the cock crow. And some minutes after the cock crowed this morning was when he died” she said and Steven widened his eyes.

“you don’t mean it. But what if it was a coincidence?” Steven asked.

“don’t you think it’s too true to be a coincidence? I think something evil is about to befall Ayedada” she said. Steven stood looking into space and so did she.

“so, what are we going to do now, because me I know I cannot unhear what I have heard now” Steven said.

“I think we should tell the Oba about it, especially what I have been dreaming about” Tosin said.

“that does not sound like a good idea at all. what if the Oba does not believe you and instead blames you for what happened? Besides, it’s on your street it happened, and you do suspect that it is a witch that did it, what if they take you as the witch instead? No, no. Find another plan” Steven said.

“you are still working at the Oba’s palace now, as one of the guards. Just help me get an audience with him, besides, you say that he trusts you. Just get me an audience with him, and you too, be there when I am talking, that’s all” she said and Steven looked away, not wanting to entertain the idea of her meeting the Oba. She turned his face back to hers and she nodded her head, urging him to agree. After a while he agreed and he took her by her hand as they headed to the Oba’s palace.

3 days passed and Tosin and Steven were unable to see the Oba. Two more sons of the chiefs had died, and the death in the land seemed to be on a rampage. On the third day, Tosin being determined to see the Oba took Steven by the hand and marched to the Oba’s palace, only stopping when she reached the entrance of the palace. She having no invitation could not go any further than where she was, but Steven being one of the Oba’s trusted guards, braced himself and walked into the Oba’s palace. Oba Adetoye was seated in his throne when Steven walked in.

“Kabiyesi…” Steven greeted as he fell at the Oba’s feet. Oba Adetoye patted him on the back.

omo mi, dide” the Oba said and Steven got up. “Steven my one and only trusted soldier. How can I help you?” the ba asked.

“my King, I have someone that needs to see you, it is a matter of urgency. A matter that concerns the people of Ayedada” Steven said.

“how so?” the Oba asked.

“my King, she believes she may know something responsible for the killings that have been ongoing for the last three days in Ayedada” Steven said and this caught the Oba’s attention immediately.

“then what are you wating for, bring her in already”. Steven went out and was back with Tosin in the palace. She went on her knees and greeted the Oba, who in turn patted her on the back and told her to rise and speak.

“Steven says you know something, I want to know what it is you know” the Oba demanded. Tosin shared a look with Steven before she gulped and then answered.

“I had a dream. I have been having dreams where a strange woman would appear to me and tell me something will happen to Ayedada. On the day of the death of the first son of chief Adaja, the woman appeared to me and told me that there will be a death by cock crow, and so it happened that day. And the night before, she said to me that Ayedada will bleed beginning from the next day and from the next day, blood has been spilled in Ayedada” Tosin said. The Oba stared at her for a while.

“you are telling me, you had dreamt of this before hand?”

“yes Kabiyesi” she answered.

“why bring this to light now? And if there be any truth to what you speak of, what is then the solution?”

“I don’t know your highness, but I swear that I lie not. These dreams did happen” Tosin said.

“Steven?” the Oba called.

“Kabiyesi… I trust this woman and if she says the dreams have something to do with the deaths, then it has to… your highness, I have heard of a woman who lives far up in the forest, she is said to have eyes and ears everywhere, that there is nothing she does not know. It is almost two days journey to that particular place, but I can have her back by this time tomorrow” Steven said. The Oba looked at both of them unsure of what to do. But this is the only thing close to good news he has heard since these killings mysteriously started 3 days ago. Even the chief priest could not provide him answers.

“fine. Go, bring her to me and let us get to the root of this matter. This blood shed must stop” the Oba said and Steven nodded his head. he bowed and left the Oba’s presence, heading to the forest. The Oba instructed that Tosin be attended too, while they awaited the arrival of Steven and the strange woman.

By night fall the next day, just as Steven had promised, he walked into the Oba’s palace, with a strange woman behind him, her head bent low and a hat on her it which covered her face. The Oba was already seated in his throne, with the chiefs also seated and Tosin standing aside.

“Kabiyesi… the woman, as promised” Steven said then stepped aside. The woman greeted the Oba and then she removed the hat on her head. As Tosin saw her, she screamed.

“you!” Tosin said.

“yes, it is I. And now we meet again Tosin, but in the flesh” the strange woman who looked to be in her mid-40’s said.

“woman, do you know what is going on in Ayedada?” the Oba asked, cutting to the chase.

“yes. And for long I have tried to warn you that this would happen. I tried doing that through Tosin here, but it seems she did not get the point of my message on time” the woman said.

“how can you, know about what is going on, when my chief priest, the great priest of Ayedada could not?” the Oba asked.

“Kabiyesi, please permit me to tell you a story, of a great evil that was done in Ayedada many years ago. Does any of you know what the Eghae is?” the woman asked.

“yes. they are a council of 6 senior chiefs, including the Oba, whose service is to the Oba. They are also known as the Oba’s council” Steven asked.

“what about the Eghae?” the Oba asked.

“about 600 years ago, a prophecy went forth that a woman would rule Ayedada and that meant she would come from the then Oba’s family, given the throne was hereditary. Now after the first Oba of Ondo, who was female, Oba Opunpun, the people vowed to never have a female Oba again. Because of this very reason, in the cold of that certain night, the Eghae ambushed the Oba in his palace, and killed his entire family” the woman said.

“how does that have anything to do with what is going on in Ayedada?” the Oba asked.

“oh, it is the sole reason Ayedada is bleeding” she said. “as agreed, chief Lisa took over the throne, him being the most senior chief of them all. But a time came when he could no longer bare in his heart, the great evil he had done his friend, the Oba. So, he took the beaded crown and the ubaji, and ran into the deep of the forest with them” the woman said.

“what are those things you mentioned, the Ubaji and the beaded crown?” Tosin asked.

“the Ubaji is a scacred drum that was the most important symbol of the Eghae. During any ritual performed in the house of the chief, the drum would be marked with red and white chalk, and that prayers would be offered and then they would dance around it. And the beaded crown is seen to be the most valued possession of the Oba because it is a symbol of his link with Oduduwa. According to Yoruba myth, Oduduwa gave the beaded crown to his children as they left Ile-Ife to their various kingdoms” the woman said.

“but I thought the stories of the Eghae and the beaded crown being stolen was just a story” the Oba said.

“oh no my king. It is as true as life itself. Now it is believed that chief Lisa took these items with him and hid in the deep parts of the forest. He believed that without that, no one would rule, but that was not the case as the next senior chief took over the throne. And these items are said to be buried with chief Lisa in his tomb, still unknown” the woman said then took a short pause before she spoke up again.

“in the legend, it is believed that Oba Osemawe got angry at the Eghae for what they had done to him, so he swore to continue tormenting the generations of the Eghae chiefs whoever they might be and even the people of Ayedada, till his lineage gains back the throne” the woman said.

“so you are telling me what my chief priest could not solve, you have provided the answers through a story, what could be a mere myth?” the Oba said in disbelief. “I do appreciate your efforts and I am sorry that I have wasted your time and mine. But I do not believe you, and request that by morning, you head back to the forest from whence you came. For this night, you can stay with my palace maids” the Oba said.

“kabiyesi…” Steven was saying but the Oba stopped him.

“I have made my decision” the Oba said.

“in two days from now, the first son of the last two chiefs of the Eghae will be killed, after which the sky would turn white, and anyone who has the mark of the red or white chalk on them will die. 3 days after the sound of the Ubaji is heard in the clouds, there will be mass destruction in Ayedada. Mark or no mark, anyone under the clouds would die. The Oba is out for blood, and blood would he get. When you see that I speak of the truth, you will send Steven to find me and I will be back to give you a solution” the woman said and turned around to leave. As she was about leaving, one of the guards ran into the place, panting, with his wife in his arms and his daughter beside him, and he also screaming “kabiyesi”.

“my great warrior, Ade, what is it?” the Oba asked.

“Kabiyesi, we were just having supper, and suddenly, these marks appeared on her skin. Then two hours later, she fainted and has not woken up since” Ade said showing them the marks, they were red and white chalk marks. They shared a look amongst themselves then looked back at him. The mark began to appear on the man’s daughter. She began to call her father’s attention to it, but it was not long that she fainted, and as Ade was lamenting, the marks also appeared on him and he fainted also.

“what I have spoken of Kabiyesi has come to pass, rather sooner, than later. This only means that the sons of the other chiefs are already dead. We need to act now Kabiyesi before the Ubaji sounds” the woman said and the chiefs began to lament.

“what can we do?” the Oba asked.

“it’s simple. Find an heir to the throne” the woman said.

“but that is impossible. You said it yourself that the Eghae killed the entire family of the Oba, so how?” the Oba asked.

“the Oba had an illegitimate child, a female. Chief Lisa knew of this, so when he set out to the forest, he also went in search of the Oba’s illegitimate daughter. He told her of what had happened, and who she was. Only her and anyone in her lineage, can find Chief Lisa’s tomb”

“if that be the case, where would we find this heir to the throne. How do we still know that it’s even a woman, it might be a man now” the Oba said causing the chief’s to nod their heads in agreement. The woman gave a small smile.

“I assure you kabiyesi, it is still a woman” she said then looked at Tosin. Tosin, who was not looking, only noticed that everyone was looking at her when she lifted her head up. She was taken aback and wondered why all the stares.

“what is it?” she asked, a little worried. “wait, you think I am the heir?” she asked and scoffed. “my father is a farmer, my mother is a trader and I am both, there is no way I am the heir to the throne” she said with much assurance.

“we will never know. it could be anyone” the woman said then brought out a crystal stone from her waist pouch. “it is said that only an heir can read the inscriptions on the stone” she said and gave the stone to Tosin.

“what inscriptions, this is a stone” Tosin said.

“just take a look at it Tosin” Steven said. She looked at him and then looked at the stone. She stared at the stone for some seconds and saw nothing. As she was about to answer the question everyone was silently asking, which will also have put an end to all the sighs and murmur’s from the chiefs, she began to see some writings appear on the stone.

“wait, I see something… what you seek, lies in the deep of the forest, within the heart of ife” she said, drawing all their attention to her.

“now you see Kabiyesi, there is more than some truth to my story” the woman said. “we must set out on the journey to get the scared items and let the heir ascend the throne, immediately” the woman said.

“we cannot just wonder into the forest like that. We need to be prepared, my men need to gather themselves and prepare” the Oba said.

“preparation in this case, will lead to our end. Steven here looks capable, let him take her and a few more men you trust, and let’s set out now!” the woman instructed. The Oba wasting no time to give that thought did as the woman said, and they all set out, including the woman, to the forest.

As Tosin held the stone in her hand, it began to light the path as to where they would follow. Two days into the journey, one of the guards, out of thirst, pleaded that they stopped and as they did, he saw a stream and drank from it. Before the strange woman could warn him otherwise, he had already drank and fell to the ground, convulsing. Fear gripped their hearts, save for the strange woman. As she was about to speak, they began to hear faint noises of a drum from the clouds. They all looked at each other, knowing what is was.

“no one touch, or drink anything. That is the sound of the Ubaji, we must continue now” the woman said and they braced themselves and continued on the journey. The farther they went, the louder the sound of the Ubaji each day. After 6 days straight of travelling, they finally got to a tomb. Tosin shared a look with the woman and Steven who urged her to approach it. she got there and tried to open the tomb but to no avail, instead the wind picked up and the sky turned red immediately.

“Tosin, you have to find a way in, there is no more time” the woman said and Tosin started pacing. Steven then walked up to her.

“calm down my love”

“I cannot. This is the third day after the sound of the Ubaji. The sky is red, the wind is heavy, I have failed”

“you have not. If this is your destiny, you will fulfil it, and I will be here with you, all the way” Steven said and took her hand in his, and as they held hands, the stone began to shine in between their palms. They took a step back and saw that the stone was pointing to inscriptions on the tomb. They moved closer and Tosin said what was on the tomb but nothing. Steven looked at her and told them to say it together, and when they did, the tomb opened. Tosin gasped, but did not give time to living in her surprise as she rushed in quickly and removed the items from Chief Lisa’s dead body and ran out.

“it is I, your blood who holds this. If you be my ancestor, please Oba, stop this blood shed, and lift the curse” Tosin said and after some few seconds, the whole place became calm, and then the sky cleared. They all began to rejoice.

“I told you, you would make a fine queen” the woman said.

“thank you. thank you for all your help” the woman said.

“yes, indeed” Steven said.

“but why did the tomb not open in the first place?” Tosin asked.

“remember the inscription on the stone you first read” the woman said.

“that what I seek is in the heart of Ife?” Tosin asked.

“yes. It was about love, has always been. You didn’t think it was Ile-Ife the stone referred to now?” the woman asked and they laughed. Now go back to Ayedada and rule… with your King” the woman said and Steven and Tosin looked at each other.

“I’ve been meaning to ask, given that I never introduced myself, how did you know my name” Steven asked but when he turned away from Tosin, the woman was gone. They looked around and there was no sign of her. They looked back at each other and laughed shortly. Then they smiled and kissed each other, before holding themselves in a warm embrace.

Igwemoh Favour

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