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12 years and a day

Growing up, has it's ups and has it's downs, but would we do it all over again?

12 years and a day.

That’s how long ago I was a babe.

When they told me, welcome to adult hood.

Was excited, didn’t know it was time to burn like fire wood.

Adult was the word.

Beside it laid stress.

Within it rested responsibility.

Outside it carried an image, one I had to keep.

The following year I heard a knock, it was university.

The next year, I heard a knock, it was expenses.

The years later, I heard knock, after knock, it was relationships.

Even years after, I still hear knocks. It’s family, it’s time, it’s energy,

they are all coming to collect.

Left with an empty tank,

I still heard a knock.

I opened and it was 30.

She said, “hey, what’s up, let’s do this all over again”.

I stepped aside and let her in.

Adulting is stressful

But with it are memories for which I am grateful

And lessons for which I’m thankful.

Because 12 years and a day ago, I was still a great fool.

Thank you for reading today. Also, while you're at it, check out my book THE MYGRANTS on Amazon, link below:

I promise it's an interesting read. T for thanks.


Arty’s Publishing

Instagram @artyspublishing @emoshiokhe


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