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Welcome Friday-The Mygrants gist

My book is finally on Amazon!!! I'm super excited, and I have come to give y'all a little gist about the story.

Hey guys, welcome to another Friday! Hope we are all good and that this weather for wo ain’t oppressing the single lot of us too much😉😁 (all I can say is I’m doing my best to hang in there)

What are we going to be all about on today’s Welcome Friday? Well it me… not me per se, but my baby, my baby that is up for pre-order on Amazon. And she is… THE MYGRANTS!

Yes lovelies, I finally did it. After months of procrastination, and thinking would it sell, would it not sell, I finally sat down one quiet night in the month of August and filed those forms till I got to the point where I hit that pre-order button. So, this post is to give you guys a break down of the story, (not giving everything away), but just enough to pick your interest, to either—go confirm if it’s true, or go confirm if it’s true. Lol. Shall we then…


The title of the book comes from an inside joke, the characters of the story came up with. Now telling you the meaning of the title will not be giving much away, but it will be giving too many too vital information, that I can’t afford slipping out, till you get to the part in the story where it comes to play.


Mainly, it is Historical-Drama, you know, like Bridgerton, Peaky Blinders, The Nevers. I’m making reference to these series so you know that this story, is a bomb. And there is some romance in it which goes from nothing to major conflict and it’s somehow in between the lines of the main aim and not the main aim, so since I could not settle for which, I just made the main genre to be Historical-Romance. I know, I know, but the basis of the whole thing is it being Historical😊


“look, I know you do not like me or like seeing me around…” he was saying.

“really? is it that obvious? I’m sorry, I did my best to hide it” I said, cutting him short. He broke a small smile on his face before he continued. The smile was nice. Elizabeth! I said, mentally cautioning myself.

- - - - - -

Elizabeth Wright has been given a new life and personality in the past. Her path both in the future and in the past is entangled with that of Princess Catherine and the fate of the entire kingdom rests on her shoulders.

It is 1855, five years later she was magically sucked into a game console that took her from the future to the past, and still has turned up with no answers, rather more questions—who is behind it? How did she get sucked into the past? Is this a game or real life? Coupled with her questions, is her mission to save the Princess. She is to save the Princess and the kingdom, with nothing in her hand’s asides her memories of the past which is the future, and she also has the hands of fate.

Now in this new world, where everything is the same as the past, her love interest—her ex-husband and current boyfriend are also in the mix, and she finds herself, repeating history. Which decision will she make—her ex, or her current, the past of the future?


This story has 6 more sub-categories it covers, other themes that also come up in the story

1. Transmigration (which is the next important one after Historical-Romance)

2. Royalty

3. Magic

4. Mystery

5. Fantasy

6. Gaming (not so much, but has some elements of it which led to the whole story, so it had to come in)


This story carries a lot of characters, and for the love of me, I wouldn’t be able to explain all, cause believe me, I was as and more confused when writing it, but thank God for God. But, I will give you some of the main characters and how they all interact;

Elizabeth Wright: the main character. She is to save the Princess Catherine and that will in turn save the kingdom. This is what majorly brings about her interaction with the Princess Catherine.

Lady Annabelle Lowell: she is the Princess. The whole story is complicated (I will uncomplicate it soon—try that is), but the drama surrounds her survival. Prince Patrick Lynch, the Duke, wants to take over the Kingdom, and killing Annabelle is the last piece of his puzzle.

Prince Harrington: this is Elizabeth’s love interest in the story. Now he is a persistent… well, you know what, who gives his soul and might to loving and fighting for Elizabeth’s heart, than to his duties as a Prince.

Cordelia: she is a witch. Well fate, but a witch, who is assigned to fate. Her job is to ensure that Elizabeth fulfils destiny and saves the Princess.

Prince Patrick Lynch: he is the Duke who by any means possible, wants to rule the kingdom. Let’s just say he had a grand plan, but Elizabeth screwed it up.

The Story Explanation and Connection with all the Categories:

Now this is the main point, a lot will confuse you, try not to be… that’s all the advice I’ve got. Okay…

Tina Brown is the lady in waiting to Princess Cahterine. (Lady in waiting is like the Princess’ personal maid, the one that goes where she goes, like the one Daphny had in Bridgerton). Princess Catherine is to marry Lord Timothy Lynch, a marriage arranged by her father. On the day of the engagement, when both families were to meet, Catherine elopes with her boyfriend, with the help of Tina’s daughter, Cindy.

Tina finds out and tries to stop them, but in the process of resolving this issue, she get’s sucked into a magical console, this is where the part of Magic and transmigration come in. The console takes her from the future, to the past—1850. Now the console is a game (yes, Jumanji!) and the console is programmed to suck people into various characters, when in the game, and the programming is done magically, but with the DNA a of the person you want in that character. The console was programmed for the Princess, but since it was not her who entered the game, the setups don’t work for her. So she is randomly assigned to a character, hence why she has her memories from the future, which is now the past.

Everything in the game looks the same as real life, the only difference is, it’s a game, this is where gaming comes in. So, the Prince, controls the game s he pleases. Hence, in this new life, Elizabeth Wright is a poor woman, married, with a son. Lord Timothy Lynch, is now Prince Patrick Lynch.

People who were not sucked into the game, are also characters in the game, just their faces are similar to the someone in the future—all random. Here, her ex-husband is now Prince Thomas Harrington, the King's Nephew (who coincidentally likes her too in the game). Her current boyfriend in the future is now Prince Martin Quinn, best friend to Thomas (and yes, he also likes her. Like what is a romance story without a love triangle). The King is still the King, but the Queen is different, (I’ll let the book explain that). Her daughter then turns out to be the daughter of the king and goes by Princess Annabeth Harrington. Cordelia, who is also known as Red Cape in both worlds, till her identity is revealed. Other characters were transmigrated into the game, and I won’t be able to tell them all. When you get to read the story, you will understand better, who, who is, and what the Prince’s plan is.

Now the initial plan of the Prince was to eliminate anyone who will be a hindrance to him getting to the throne, by them into the game, but now that the real Princess is still out there in the future, and there is a character in the game who has memories of her past life, and it is a character he cannot identify, what is going to be his next move?

If you like historical romance, hop on this. if you like mystery, hop on this. if you like transmigration, hop on this. if you like reading, hop on this. if you like Jumanji, The Nevers, Bridgerton, Peaky Blinders, Once Upon A Time… hop on this, this is equally good, and better even. Yes, I am calling it a bomb. If you think it’s a lie, read it—just to confirm that it is😂. Basically, just add it to your cart, so you can brag and be like “I have a best-seller in my cart”. And yes, I said best-seller.

Thank you for your precious time you have graced me with by going through this post. Thanks for all the support thus far, the blog is moving better than I expected. And thanks for taking my pre-order numbers up!😁😂😘

The price is $2.99 and it’s available on all Amazon platforms. Just type The Mygrants or follow this link: for those under the US region.

The release date is 2nd September, 2022. Pre-order, Pre-order, Pre-order. Have a lovely Friday y-all!


(P.S, my signature for my pieces now will be emoshiokhe)

Favour Igwemoh (Emoshiokhe)

Arty’s Pubishing

Follow on Instagram @emoshiokhe (personal page), @artyspublishing (blog page)

(P.S.S: The book cover, and the posters below were designed by me😊


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